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FREEAVD: A Proposed Project
Project Proposal
What exactly is FREEAVD anyway?
- FREE Visual RAD (Rapid Application Development) Tools for AmigaOS4(tm).
- More FREEWARE APPLICATION Development for AmigaOS4(tm).
- Attracting more Professional Developers to the AmigaOS4(tm) platform.
- Helping everyone (especially beginners) build quality AmigaOS4(tm) software, using professional, openly distributed tools.
FREEAVD is a proposed project to create and release a FREEWARE version of the AVD (Advanced Visual Developer)
Suite and associated tools for the AmigaOS4(tm) operating system.
The "FREE" in FREEAVD has a twofold meaning; first that the software itself will be distributed openly as
FREEWARE for use by anyone, second that the RAD (Rapid Application Development) part of FREEAVD will
be limited to the production of FREEWARE software only.
How will this project be accomplished?
By the generous financial contributions of individuals who understand the importance of projects like
this one to the overall success of the AmigaOS4(tm) platform, and a whole lot of hard work.
For more information on the FREEAVD project see the project's Overview/FAQ page.
To make your contribution to the FREEAVD Project, use the "BECOME A SPONSOR!" link on the left.