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BITbyBIT Software Group LLC
Specializing in development tools for AmigaOS4(tm)
About Us
BITbyBIT Software Group LLC was formed in November of 2003 by Jamie Krueger as a new software development company
dedicated to producing high quality software for the latest release of the AmigaOS4(tm) operating system, AmigaOS4(tm).
The primary focus of the company is to bring a new level of professional software development tools, in an easy
to use graphical environment, to the AmigaOS4(tm) platform. This software development suite is called AVD.
BITbyBIT Software Group LLC is located in Janesville Wisconsin in the USA.
(Check out the BITbyBIT development lab HERE)
About Jamie Krueger
Jamie's passion for computers started at a very early age with his first computer, the Commodore VIC-20 around 1980.
"In those days, if you wanted to do anything on computer you first had to program it to do it," recalls Jamie,
"especially since we did not have a datasette tape drive, much less a floppy disk drive to begin with, so there
was no way to store and retrieve your programs. You had to write your own programs, that's just the way things
were, and it was a great time to be into computers."
Soon after the VIC-20, Jamie moved to the Commodore 64, and then after about a decade, to the Commodore 128.
In 1988 he got his first Amiga, the A500, and a whole new world was opened up. Having already programmed
the 8-bit Commodore machines (6502/6510/8502 chips) in assembly, the Amiga's 16/32-Bit architecture and powerful
custom chip set was a very exciting playground indeed.
"If the Apple II's built-in software and hardware is an apartment, and the Commodore 64's is a townhouse,
then the Amiga's is a Manhattan city block." -- Rhett Anderson and Randy Thompson, "Mapping the Amiga", COMPUTE! Books circa 1990.
During late 1993 and early 1994, Jamie was working with former Amiga games publisher R.A.W. Entertainment
on an arcade "shooter" for the Amiga called "Wildfire". It was to be R.A.W. Entertainment's
first arcade style game, as their main focus was "Roleplaying, Adventure, & Wargames." Sadly, however this was right at the
point when the old Amiga games market really fell out and Wildfire was never released.
In December of 1994 Jamie took a full time job with an UPS (Uninterruptible Power Systems) company called
Best Power. With no formal college degree and only self-taught programming skills learned mainly on Amigas,
Jamie quickly worked his way up the ranks to Senior Software Engineer, pioneering communications protocols
between electronically controlled power systems and embedded devices, workstations and mainframe equipment.
Best Power changed hands several times over the years, becoming a part of larger and larger corporations
each time. Jamie continued with this company, now called Powerware
a member of the Eaton Electrical Group, for 10 years developing foundation level software for UPS connectivity
devices, including an implementation of embedded Linux on a ARM processor. Jamie's major work for Powerware was
a common UPS communications driver which can transparently communicate over several different mediums
(serial, network, USB, etc.) and even translate SNMP in real time to a standard UPS communications protocol
and corresponding API. All while still remaining in a very small footprint. This central driver interface
currently makes up the heart of the Powerware's CoreLogic(tm) Software Development Tools
as well as being used by several of their other software products, and connectivity hardware.
In November of 2004 Jamie turned down a further promotion to stay with Powerware, and decided it was finally
time to get back to his original goal and write professional software for the Amiga platform again.
On November 10th, 2004 Jamie joined the Amiga development community officially with the annoucement
of his new company BITbyBIT Software Group LLC and the preview release of The SDK Browser.