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The AVD Template Project - Product Overview
The AVD Template Project is a freely available skeleton AmigaOS4(tm) application
written in C and distributed in source code form. It has been released as FREEWARE
and is open to be used as a base for writing your own AmigaOS4(tm) applications.
The AVD Template source handles what I would call the "basics" of setting up an Amiga(tm) application.
Setting up memory, opening libs, parsing command line arguments and Tooltypes, creating a commodity broker
and setting up hotkeys, creating menus, opening and providing basic Window management, handling the event loop,
and finally cleaning up everything correctly on exit. Add to that a proper Makefile and a file organization setup
for portability, and what you get is a clean application that is easy to build upon.
Read the AVD Template README file for installation instructions.
See the LICENSE file for AVD Template usage terms.
Feature List (Now updated to v1.2.0.0)
- Directly compatible with AVD's GUI Builder component, to create and maintain the ReAction interface of your program with ease!
- Supports multiple window projects (with extended event processing, creation and cleanup all done for you)
- Now updated for better compatibility with the latest AmigaOS4(tm) SDK (51.15) and GCC 3.4.4 & 4.0.1
- New automated project version numbering (Project version is bumped automatically with each new build)
- Project file structure designed to cleanly handle small or large projects, and aid in porting to other operating systems
- Full Makefile provided to automate building either locally or with a cross-compiler, using the same Makefile.
- Isolated project main from startup and initialization code
- Layered design providing seamless integration of both Common (Non-OS Specific) code and OS dependent code,
allowing you to design highly portable applications right from the start
- Convenient header files for quick project name and version string changes
- Much more...