Welcome to BITbyBIT Software Group LLC!
Specializing in development tools for AmigaOS4(tm)
I posted this on www.amigaworld.net in answer to
a request for a status update and decided to post it here as well.
The Advanced Visual Development (AVD) project is coming along very strong.
A great deal of the foundation work has now been completed and the realtime
interprocess communication system which enables each component of AVD to
share resources and functionality with each other is up and running with great
potential for further use.
The SDK Browser component is now rather advanced as you can tell from the
FREEWARE version. The current commercial version (of v1.5.0.0) adds shared
menu options and integrated communication with the rest of AVD. More features
like STRUCT and #define indexing and others are still scheduled for v2.0.0.0,
which will be included with the AVD Suite v1.0.0.0.
My primary focus now is to switch back to the GUI Builder and Text Editor
components, as well as the realtime XML to GUI runtime system that will
be made available for open distribution (in binary form) as well.
The GUI Builder is currently at version and is already able to build
most types of graphical interfaces and generate them as ready-to-build
C source, as well as save and reload from XML based project files.
Mainly the GUI Builder just needs interfaces built to enable the editing of
all tags for each object, the adding of external C code for each gadget's
actions (which will be inserted into the project when the rest of the code is
generated), a menus editing panel, and more code generation to handle the
creation and maintenance of all of the above.
It sounds like a lot, and it is, but the object-oriented system under the hood
is already in place to support this. The main thing missing is to provide
the interface options to the user so they can get at the underline functionality.
The Text Editor is already roughed out and should have basic "notepad" like
functionality pretty soon. The main features to add there are "tabbed" editing,
context-sensitive hi-lighting, collapsable code sections, and of course integration
with AVD itself. Although the Text Editor will be able to function as a normal
general purpose text editing program, it is in fact a XML object editor in the
background. This will allow for the live source code editing of a given AVD project
using functions are features that have never been seen before in a text editor,
crossing the boundaries into object-oriented, drag-n-drop application building.
Other components and features like the Debugger and Project management
continue to grow as well, if slowly sometimes, as nearly everything that goes
into AVD for one component helps build the basis of the whole.
The inevitable next question is: "How much longer is all this going to take?"
That of course is always hard to say when is comes to new development
work on this scale. However, I would hope that a public demo of the GUI Builder
and possibly even the Text Editor may be available over the next three months
or so. The entire project (for the features I have planned for v1.0.0.0) is likely
another year out. However, it is my continuing goal to deliver useful tools
whenever possible, so like the SDK Browser, expect that the standalone
components will be made available as soon as they can be and need not
wait for the entire system to be ready before they ship.
Now that I have addressed some of where the technical state of the project
is at, let me say a few words about the "real" question of project development
and completion times; namely funding.
The AVD Suite and BITbyBIT Software Group's mission to deliver professional
development tools to the AmigaOS4(tm) community is a long term goal for me.
I have built up what resources I could toward this goal for over ten years,
waiting for the right time to make this project a reality. I stepped away
from my corporate career as a successful Sr. Software Engineer after a decade
with the same company to pursue that goal, and have now invested nearly
everything I gained over my career into this project. My commitment to its
completion could not be higher. I can also safely say that the completion
of the AVD Suite is NOT based on whether we see new machines or even if there
are no further OS updates until said hardware is available. It is my belief
that the success of this project (or another one like it) is critical to the
long term success of the platform itself, and that is why I am here, doing
what I can.
In this world however it takes money to continue to pursue anything, even to
just keep "the doors open and the lights on" as they say. The first attempts
to help fund the development of the AVD Suite project were quite successful
in their own right, and have now all but run their course with final installments
finishing up next month when the final two people complete their subscription.
As I have already stated on my website, I would like to publicly thank everyone
who had the foresight to invest in this project and could understand its importance.
I am confident that you will be happy with the final software you helped make
possible. It is only with your help that we have made it this far, 16 or so months
The bottom line is that continued FULL TIME development is going to require
new funding. Without such funding development will be dramatically slowed
as I will be forced to take on other paying projects which will of course
cut heavily into the completion schedule for AVD.
Therefore, please do what you can and support this project by pre-purchasing
the AVD Suite, buying a copy of the SDK Browser or making a donation. I will
shortly post a new payment plan option to make purchasing the entire AVD Suite
a bit easier.
Thank you for taking the time to read this.
Best Regards,
Jamie Krueger
BITbyBIT Software Group LLC