Advanced Visual Developer
GUI Builder
The GUI Builder component allows for the quick creation and maintenance of the
graphical display components (Windows, gadgets, etc.) of your application.
The entire GUI (Graphical User Interface) of your application will be able to be
created and maintained using this 100% graphical tool.
The GUI Builder will be able to import and export it's design files in XML format.
It will also produce ready to build C source files which can plug directly into
the AVD Template source.
New SCREENSHOTS of v0.10.0.25 now posted
Possible features would include:
Supports creating ReAction Interfaces
Import and Export of GUI description files in XML format
Icon toolbar for drag-n-drop gadget objects onto "live" build windows
Output C source files for building with the AVD Template Project
Live test window(s) for real time "view as you build" environment
Double-click on GUI object within build window to bring up a "properties dialog"
for entering and selecting all the appropriate options for that object or window.
Much more...
Target purchase price: US $39.95
The above estimates are for version 1.0 of the component, sold as a stand alone application.