Advanced Visual Developer
Text Editor
The Text Editor component is the central editor for directly writing and maintaining
the various source files for your project. Like the other components it can be used directly
as a standalone application or as an integrated part of AVD itself. It will provide as many
of the modern features that you would expect from a programming editor as possible within the
initial development time frame.
Possible features would include:
Context (keyword) sensitive highlighting
Quick access browsable file lists
Tabbed Editing for multiple open files in one window
Help line or status bar with "hover over" quick help like ASCII/Hex/Oct/Binary values, length of quoted strings,
structure and function prototype lookups (requires SDK Browser component), spell checking, etc.
Hex editor mode for viewing and editing binary files
Integrated load and save to FTP locations
Much more...
Target purchase price: US $39.95
The above estimates are for version 1.0 of the component, sold as a stand alone application.