
Preorder the full AVD Suite v1.0 today!
Early Adopter's price of US $199.95

Save $100 off the list price today by purchasing you copy of AVD while v1.0 is still under development.

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Foundation Development Subscription Plan

Plan Details

The Goal

The goal of AVD can be summed up in the following statements:

  • To get high level AmigaOS4(tm) development tools into the hands of perspective AmigaOS4(tm) programmers today by building powerful tools up a piece at a time.

  • To enable the novice to write their first, actually useful, AmigaOS4(tm) native application (including GUI) in five minutes or less.

  • To get professional developers from any platform to say; "I'm going to write my program for the Amiga FIRST, because it is easier and more fun than on any other platform."

  • To empower the novice and professional alike with the tools necessary to complete development cycles quickly, and produce more software in less time for the AmigaOS4(tm) platform.


What you put in:

  • The payment terms for the second enrollment period has been updated to match the current state of development for the AVD Project. The total payment remains the same as the first plan (US $120.00 Total), only the monthly installments have changed. New members can join the FDSP Plan for US $30.00 for the first installment, followed by further six installments of US $15.00 a month.

  • Subscriptions payments will be handled through PayPal. (Please email if PayPal is not available in your area and you still wish to join the plan.)

  • This is a month-to-month subscription plan, and you may cancel your participation at any time. However, keep in mind that fully licensed and unlocked versions will be only issued to active subscribers in good standing. Members that cancel their subscription before an upcoming release may receive credit toward the normal purchase price of the software. This will be handled strictly on a case by case basis, and is completely at the option of BITbyBIT Software Group LLC. Every effort will be made to ensure everyone is treated fairly and properly credited for their support.

  • Maximum contributions: Members of the Foundation Development Subscription Plan are only required to continue their contributions up to the discounted purchase price US $120.00. This means if you complete the plan for the full term, you receive the release versions (1.0) of every component in version 1.0 of the AVD suite for $94.75 LESS than waiting to buy them individually. See the AVD component links on the left for details on target purchase price and estimated development times of each piece.


What you get:

  • Access to in-development projects, beta releases and pre-release AmigaOS4(tm) software. Specifically a series of independently usable tools being developed for inclusion in the commercial software product known as the Advanced Visual Developer.

  • Fully licensed versions of each tool, commodity, application, etc. that is developed as part of the AVD project and is released to the public as a commercial offering, while you remain an active member of the Foundation Plan. A fully licensed version of the AVD suite v1.0 when it is available, as long as you are still an active member at the time, or have already reached the maximum contribution point.

  • A direct voice to the actual development team, and priority consideration for suggested features and directions for the development effort itself.

  • The pride of knowing that YOU are actively helping to bring cool new software to your favorite platform. Remember, if you support the development of tools needed to make it easy to write software for the Amiga(tm), you directly aid in bringing new games, tools, applications, and tons of other cool stuff to the platform as well.

Distributing the code

How AVD will be distributed:

  • New "stable" releases will be made available over the Internet initially via password protect downloads and later on via an easy to use AmigaOS4(tm) download utility, which is license keyed to each member. (Special requests for CDROM update disks will require additional postage handling and may only be available for "major" updates, since it takes time to handle making and shipping the media).

  • Updates will be made available about once a month (more often if possible). Each piece of new beta or unreleased software will be set to run for only 60 days at a time. As you download and install each new update this clock is reset. Once full major (or minor) public release versions are available, they will be license keyed to the respective member and will no longer expire from that point.

  • If you choose to cancel your subscription for any reason before the next public release of the software, you may be able to purchase the full version at a discounted rate based on when you stopped your subscription payments. This is entirely up to the discretion of BITbyBIT Software Group LLC. Every effort will be made to ensure everyone is treated fairly and properly credited for their support.

The final enrollment period for this plan is now closed.
You can still purchase the AVD Suite early at the normal PRE-SALE price of US $199.95
© BITbyBIT Software Group LLC and Jamie Krueger, 1617 Kensington Street, Janesville, WI 53546-5833
Original Site design, html and css by David Doyle, site engine by Björn Hagström - Hosted by AbuckAmegAyear