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Empowering Amiga(tm) Developers

Official AmigaONE X1000 Beta Test Member

Contributor to A1200.NET new Amiga 1200 Cases, and new Compatible Keycaps projects

New Amiga retailer serving the US and Canada
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Welcome to BITbyBIT Software Group LLC!
Specializing in development tools for AmigaOS4(tm)
January 2nd, 2007:
"Hello, I'm still here.": A special note from Jamie Krueger to the entire Amiga Community
After I returned from the AmiWest show at the end
of October last year, I had to shift my full attention over
to my other company for a while. I have been so
busy since trying to continue my work on AVD at the
same time, that I have just not been able to find the
time to even update my web site since the show.
I am sorry for this period of silence, it was not intentional on my part.
As you may know, in addition to my main company,
BITbyBIT Software Group, I am also a full partner
in a web site hosting company called
AbuckAmegAyear LLC.
I have in fact been running the web hosting company
for about the past five years, but up until now we
have been slowly building up the business before really
making the company known to the public (reads "to the Internet").
I am in fact still finishing our web store's new theme
and fixing up a few minor things as yet, but we have been
up and operational for some time now and have recently
completed the move to new world class servers which have
helped us bring professional levels of security and
performance to our customers.
Another two years have now past with only minimal growth
in the number of active AmigaONE/OS4 owners. As most of you
already know, I had run past the end of the operating capital
I had originally invested in the software company's startup,
at the end of last September.
As great as the Amiga Community is and as generous
as some of it's members truly are, there just are
not enough people coming forward to purchase OS4
software that is still in the works or making donations
to its development.
Given the scars that a lot of us have from the many past
false-starts and unfulfilled promises over the years,
who can blame them for being cautious. Or for simply
expecting to buy a completed piece of software with their
money, instead of getting part of it now with a promise
to deliver the rest "when it's done(tm)".
As I have stated several times in the past, I would have
preferred NOT to ask the Amiga community to make
such a commitment again and fund a large project like this,
only to have to suffer the inevitable delays. Given the
choice I would have completed AVD privately first and
then announced it's existence, ready to run. Unfortunately
I was forced to gamble on a two year effort, or delay
everything 5 or 10 more years. With the two years now
over, I feel they were not wasted and critical steps have
been completed from long term success in the future.
The current situation however, leaves me with very little choice
but to focus the majority share of my time on efforts
that earn money today, and not in a few months, years,
or even never. To this end I am actively working on
building our customer base of web hosting clients (which
has an audience of tens of millions, rather than an
audience of around 2000), along with working on various
other short-term projects/contact jobs.
However, despite having to put some time into other
areas to make money to keep paying the bills,
I have by no means closed my software company,
stopped programming for the Amiga, or given up on the AVD project.
I only have to put things on hold for a little while
in order to secure the money to continue my efforts.
I fully plan to return to programming on AVD/FreeAVD
very soon, and am very eager to do so as quickly as
The simply truth is that I am well and throughly hooked
on the Amiga as I am equally addicted to programming.
I will never give up on pursuing bringing my software
dreams to the Amiga.
It's my life's work.
It has always been the plan to build up the web
hosting company to provide a backbone means of funding
my work on software development for AmigaOS. This way
I would not be constrained or forced to work only on
programming projects for platforms that have more numbers
and a better chance of making a profit. I could continue
to develop for the Amiga at a loss for as long as it takes
to build the user base up enough to support full time developers again.
Plus there is an excellent synergy between owning both
a web hosting company on the Internet and owning a
software development company as well. The two help support
each other nicely.
I ask everyone out there in the Amiga Community, especially those
who have, and continue to, help support my programming efforts to
have the further patience to bear with me in 2007.
We will get there yet.
If you wish to help me get back to finishing AVD/FreeAVD as
quickly as possible, please consider hosting your web site with
us at AbuckAmegAyear LLC.
This way you also get a great immediate value with a fast, tier-one,
full featured web hosting account as well! We love hosting Amiga
related sites! :-)
*That's A-Buck-A-Meg-A-Year because that is what our accounts start at,
10 Megs for $10.00 Bucks a YEAR.
Best Regards,
November 7th, 2007:
Purchase plan options and sponsorship programs have been CLOSED.
I have accepted a full time position with another company which is going to demand all of my time for the
foreseeable future. Since I can not at this time predict when development on the AVD/FreeAVD projects will
be able to continue, I have decided to close out all pre-release payment plans and FreeAVD sponsorship
programs, effective immediately.
It is my firm intention to satisfactorily resolve the delivery of any and all pre-purchased software.
Please remain patient for a while longer as I work through this process. I will hopefully be able to
provide more information in the near future. THIS IS NOT THE END.
Archive NEWS: