Advanced Visual Developer
SDK Browser

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Nov 30th, 2010:
AVD Video posted from AmiWest 2010
Hello everyone, below is a link to a video of the AVD presentation
I gave at the AmiWest 2010 show last month.

<-- Click on the image to view the video
If you have any problems with the direct viewing this video
by clicking on the image, you can use the following link
to search the site for the video by title.
[Search AmiWest video]
A big thanks to Robert Bernardo of the Fresno Commodore User Group
for producing this video from the show.
Official AmigaONE X-1000 Beta Test Member
I received my official acceptance as a member of the
AmigaONE X1000 Beta Test Team today, and am looking forward
to getting one of these new machines in hand and start testing it out.
The AmigaONE X1000 is an awesome next step in the production of high end
AmigaOS4(tm) based systems, with a tremedous potential.
<-- Click on the image to view the high resolution version.
[Click here to view the PDF version]
Oct 25nd, 2010:
From AmiWest 2010 - Post Show wrap up
Hello Folks! Still posting from the hotel room here at AmiWest 2010,
before flying back home in the morning.
This year has been a fantastic show and I am extremely happy that I was
able to make my return as an active member of the AmigaOS4(tm)
development community, and to promote the rebirth of the AVD project
in person at this year's show.
With both Carl Sassenrath and Dale Luck from the original Amiga team
there to attend the 25th anniversary of their creation, was nothing
short of history making.
My very great thanks goes out to the all of the terrific people I talked
with at the show (far too many to list here), many of whom were just as excited
as I was about my return to the show and the restarting of AVD development.
Not to forget AmiWest Show team for putting on the best Amiga Show I have
attended in many years. Thanks Guys! See you next year.
I had hoped to complete the testing of the SDK Browser v2.0 and release
it before coming to the show, but my schedule did not permit it. I demoed
the SDK Browser v2.0 along with the current GUI Builder at the show during
my seminar on Sunday, and will post a link to the video of that presentation
as soon as it gets put up (on and or I believe).
I found a couple of minor things I need to fix before version 2 of the
SDK Browser will be ready for release, so I will be making those quick
changes, retest everything again and release it shortly after I can get
back home.
Donated signed Amiga Beach Ball to the show's raffle.
This year I decided to donate one of my own past Amiga treasures to the
show for the raffle, and brought along an official Amiga Beach Ball that
I got from a past Amiga show back in the days of Petro Tyschtschenko,
where a number of these were dropped from a large net above the show floor.
The Beach Ball was then signed before I donated it, by many of the key people
there at the show, including (but not limited to); Carl Sassenrath, Dale Luck,
Thomas and Hans-Joerg Frieden, Ben Hermans, Trevor Dickinson, Jens Schoenfeld,
and others I am getting too fuzzy to remember right now (very tried).
Here are a few pictures of the signed Amiga Beach Ball that Trevor Dickinson
was nice enough to take of it for me. You can try to figure out which signature
are which if you wish. :-)
Click on the thumbnail images below to view the hi-resolution versions (up to 2.5 Meg each).
Images of AmiWest 2010 Signed Amiga Boing Ball:
Now I have to get to bed so I can catch my flight in the morning. Goodnight All.
Oct 22nd, 2010:
From AmiWest 2010 - A Blast from the past, and eye to the future.
Hello Folks! I am posting this from my hotel room here at AmiWest 2010.
I am returning to AmiWest for the first time since attending the show back in 2006.
Sitting here getting ready for things to kick off for pre-show Friday,
I find myself recalling the events of the 2006 show and looking back at
where we were then and looking forward to seeing where we are now.
For me I feel a bit like I am starting over again, picking up the pieces
and preparing to charge forward into the future. I have I believe a fresh perspective
on the AVD project along with the entire scope of my life's work. It feels a lot
like coming home really. Stepping out of the haze to find that the road ahead
of you is clear.
I did not have much time to prepare for this year's show, in fact I very nearly
didn't make it at all; but being here now I am glad to have made the trip.
It should be a very interesting show, and I am mostly here this year to have
a chance to talk directly with a lot of great people and see what I can do
to help bring the completed AVD project to the Amiga Community as quickly
as possible. I will be posting more throughout this weekend as the show progresses.
For now, here is a blast from the past for you:
These are the AVD promotional materials create by Eliso Bianchi for the Pianeta 2006 Amiga show in Italy,
which I also presented at the AmiWest 2006 show in Sacramento, California here in the United States.
They include a slideshow presentation that was created with Hollywood and presented with an AmigaOS4(tm) machine at the show,
along with the PDF documents of the AVD Flier that was handed out at AmiWest 2006.
Please keep in mind that while these materials still present good information about AVD, they are now dated and some things have changed since then -like my address :-).
- AVD Slideshow from AmiWest 2006 [LHA Archive]
- AVD Flier from AmiWest 2006 [LHA Archive of PDF files]
- AVD Flier files:
[README for AVD Flier]
[PDF of the Front Cover]
(Low Res Version)
[PDF of the Inside]
(Low Res Version)
There is still time to stop in this weekend and see the show in person!
Oct 7th, 2010:
AmiWest 2010!
Well it's official folks, I will be returning to AmiWest this year.
I was not sure that I was going to make it this year or not, but I'm happy to say that I booked my
travel arrangements and will be there for all three days. I plan to release the newest version of
AVD's SDK Browser (version 2.0) at the show, and will be demonstrating many of it's new features.
I will also be on hand to answer any questions about the restarting of AVD/FreeAVD's development.
I hope to see you at the show!
Sept 14th, 2010:
FreeAVD Sponsorship Program and AVD Pre-Sale option REOPENED!
Now that development on AVD/FreeAVD has been restarted, I have reopened Donations,
FreeAVD Sponsorship Subscriptions, and Pre-Sales of the AVD Suite with easy payment options.
Please consider supporting the AVD/FreeAVD development efforts with one of the donation or purchase items above. Thanks!
Sept 7th, 2010:
AVD Project Development Restarted!
I am happy to announce that at long last I have my AmigaONE back
online, and have officially restarted development on the AVD project.
If you have not yet seen my post about this on
I have reproduced it below, so read on.
I have heard from many of you over the last several months asking
more or less this same question; "What is going on with Amiga Inc.
and am I still employed by them?" Up to this point my answer has
always remained a (hopefully) polite "Sorry, I can not comment."
While I will still refrain from any comment or even personal opinion,
good or bad, about Amiga Inc. as a company, here are the facts about
my status that I can now share:
My employment contract with Amiga Inc, started on November 1st,
2007 and ended on November 1st, 2009. The contract further required
that I could not "compete" with Amiga Inc. for a period of six
months after the completion of my contract. That clause has now
expired as well on May 1st, 2010. While I still consider myself
under a general NDA not to discuss the previous or current state
of Amiga Inc. as a company, my direct employment and obligation
to them has now ended. I no longer work for Amiga Inc. in any way.
I am still in contact with them and may do some specific contract
work for them in the future if they ask, but I do not plan to reinstate
my current contract to become a full time employee again at this time.
During this two and a half year period, development on AVD was
either directly or indirectly forbidden. For the two years of
direct employment I was not permitted (according to my contract)
to work for any other company, even my own. After the contract
was complete, there still existed a "Non-Competition Covenant"
for the six months after that. I have heard some opinions that
neither of these facts should have prevented me from continuing
my development of AVD. Those opinions are simply naive. There
have been several cases where the hard work of an individual has
been laid claim to by previous employers. There is no way I was
going to allow that to happen to AVD. So whether you agree with
my choice or not, that is now in the past.
I am currently working as an independent contractor again under my
BITbyBIT Software Group company. I am doing power systems software
integrations for larger telecommunications and data center
companies looking to centralize their power monitoring and
management solutions. The same field I was previously working
for 10 years in before returning to Amiga development.
Now that I am no longer bound to a specific employment contract,
I am free to do development for any platform and in any area.
I am currently focused on rebuilding my financial status. In other
words working in areas that can pay my bills and hopefully rebuild
my savings so that I can afford to fund the development time to
work on projects like AVD.
I have had problems getting either of my two Amiga One machines
to boot up again and be stable, but I will set them up and try
again soon. My plan is to restart weekend development on AVD in
an effort to complete version 1.0. I am also interested in getting
new AmigaONE hardware.
I greatly appreciate everyone's continued patience through this
time. I can only say that I am reaffirming my promise and commitment
to complete and deliver AVD for OS4.
PS: I am also seriously considering a port of AVD across several other
platforms. This decision will be dictated first by it's technical
merits, and then by their potential to provide a financial return.
Best Regards,
Jamie Krueger
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