Advanced Visual Developer
SDK Browser

Empowering Amiga(tm) Developers

Official AmigaONE X1000 Beta Test Member

Contributor to A1200.NET new Amiga 1200 Cases, and new Compatible Keycaps projects

New Amiga retailer serving the US and Canada
AOTL Donations
Welcome to BITbyBIT Software Group LLC!
Specializing in development tools for AmigaOS4(tm)
January 28th, 2008:
The New Job: (See Amiga Inc.'s Press Release "Amiga Hires Jamie Krueger")
Today Amiga Inc. publicly announced my decision to officially join forces with them,
and come on board as a full time employee. I am confident that working directly with
Amiga, and helping to reach our mutual goals, is the best way I can support the Amiga
Community at this time.
I know there are questions and concerns about how this impacts the AVD and FreeAVD project.
Please let me assure you that if I did not believe this to be a positive move toward the
completion and delivery of AVD, I would not have made it. Equally, if for any reason
completed software can NOT be delivered to anyone who has already made an advance purchase,
I will personally see that 100% of all collected funds are returned in full. This project
has always been open, honest, and above board; with the sole aim of helping to bring more
developers, and hence more software, to the Amiga platform.
I foresee great things for the future of the Amiga platform, and as always I greatly appreciate your support.
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