Advanced Visual Developer
SDK Browser

Empowering Amiga(tm) Developers

Official AmigaONE X1000 Beta Test Member

Contributor to A1200.NET new Amiga 1200 Cases, and new Compatible Keycaps projects

New Amiga retailer serving the US and Canada
AOTL Donations
Welcome to BITbyBIT Software Group LLC!
Specializing in development tools for AmigaOS4(tm)
October 28th, 2017:
Back from AmiWest - Amiga32 starts today
The AmiWest 2017 event in Sacramento (California, USA) was
well worth the trip. The show itself was fun of course, but getting
the chance to meet many of the active participants in the Amiga community
today, get elusive answers to developer questions, and discuss how to improve
AmigaOS4 for the future, was for me, the hilight of the four day event.
During the show I made two presentations; one was an overview of how to use
the SDK Browser software for development and general searching tasks, and the
other was an introduction to the hardware and software projects I have been
working with Amiga On The Lake on over the last few months.
Both presentations were recorded and will be available for viewing as soon
as the editing process is complete. I will post some links here as they
start appearing on YouTube, etc.
At the DevCon event, I provided a copy of the SDK Browser v2.1.4.0
[FREEWARE Edition], which fixes a bug with the "Find Files (in dir)" function
that was leaving part of the search statement input disabled after it was selected.
I will be posting that version publically as soon as I get a chance to put
it together. I will also be posting an update to the AVD Template sources
which finally brings them up-to-date to build with the latest AmigaOS4 SDK.
On a sad note...
At 6:00am (California time), just before the first day of the DevCon, I was
informed that one of my greatest friends of over 30 years had died suddenly
of Pneumonia and complications related to an infection in his blood that
weakened his heart.
Michael Thomas Wagman passed away at 5pm (central time), while I was in the
air somewhere between Wisconsin and California. I had seen him twice in the
hospital before leaving for the show. Unfortunately he was not conscious for
either visit, as he was sedated to help his body fight the infection.
Seemingly to add insult to injury, I would not make it back in time for his
Mike was, among other things, a programmer and an Amigan back-in-the-day.
He loved programming on his Amiga 500, and even thought about getting a
new AmigaONE A1222 when they came out. Mike was always asking my opinion
on code and projects of all sorts. He loved experimenting with new programming
languages, and was writing a game with his son, to teaching him about computer
In his memory, I will be releasing the entire source code for the FREEWARE
Edition of the SDK Browser v2.1.4.0, as an example to help others learn about
programming techniques for AmigaOS4.
Mainstream development will continue on the SDK Browser, as well as the rest
of the AVD Suite. However, the Michael Thomas Wagman Memorial Source Code version
will be made freely available for people to learn from it and/or port the FREEWARE
version to other operating systems as they chose. I hope people will find it helpful.
The sources will be released as soon as I can find the time to decouple the
SDK Browser from the rest of the AVD build. I will also be importing the project
into Simon Archer's CodeBench for easier editing on AmigaOS4 directly.
October 4th, 2017:
New Amiga article on Popular Mechanics
Some months ago I was contacted by John Wenz, the author of this
article, who wanted to talk to me about the Amiga computer, past
and present. Since he was local, I invited him to sit in on one
of our monthly "Amiga Day" events.
This article published on the Popular Mechanics website was the result.
For those of you who may not be familar with the venerable classic magazine,
Popular Mechanics is an immensely favored American magazine, founded in 1902
by Henry H. Windsor and is one of the oldest magazines in the United States.
This 115-year-old automotive, home, outdoors, science and technology magazine
has a reported circulation of over 1.2 million (reported June 2014), and this
does not take in account their digital presence.
Reference: Encyclopedia Britannica - Popular Mechanics
Reference: Wikipedia - Popular Mechanics
It is really nice to see the new Amiga machines get some notice on a major
non-Amiga-related site. Since the article was posted yesterday, I have already
seen it picked up by over a half-a-dozen other non-Amiga sites.
Check it out here: The Cult of Amiga Is Bringing an Obsolete Computer Into the 21st Century
September 21st, 2017:
Returning to AmiWest in 2017!
I am very happy to announce that I will be attending
the AmiWest 2017 event in Sacramento (California, USA)
this Oct. 19th - 22nd.
The last AmiWest show I attended was back in 2010, and
I am very excited to be going back this year. The show
is always a blast. It is great to check out what's new
and to meet many of my fellow Amigans in person.
If you can make the show this year, come on by and say hi. :-)
I will be there all four days, and have been asked to
give a presentation at this year's DevCon, as well as
holding a seminar during the show itself (the subject
of which is to be announced later).
The last few months have been very busy ones for me.
I have been working with the great guys at Amiga On The Lake
(AOTL), on a few new exciting products that we hope will help
grow the Amiga communitity as a whole.
It is too early for me to announce anything official,
however you may hear something about them at the
show this year. :-)
Lastly, I will be repesenting Amiga On The Lake at
the AmiWest show this year.
Here is a big HINT for everyone considering getting
themselves a brand new shiny AmigaONE X5000 machine:
* Buy one from AOTL during the days of this year's show
(Oct. 19th through the 22nd) and get an AWESOME DEAL!
Hope to see you there! 8-)
Check it out here: AmiWest 2017 Main site
Check it out here: AmiWest 2017 Blog - BITbyBIT Returns to AmiWest
June 6th, 2017:
The Xena Research Project Blog translated to French
David Brument of "L'Amiga au maximum Obligement" has translated
The Xena Research Project Blog into French. Thanks David.
Check it out here: The Xena Research Project Blog [French version]
May 24th, 2017:
AmigaONE X5000 review published on Ars Technica
A new review of the AmigaONE X5000 machine has been published on the
massive technology related news site, Ars Technica.
I was asked to contribute some general information about the Xena chip
on these machines to Jeremy Reimer, the author of the article. He had
to trim down the Xena information quite a bit to fit his publisher's
requirements, but he was nice enough to include a direct link to my
Xena Research Project Blog. He even almost spelled my last name correctly. ;-)
Thanks to Jeremy Reimer for writing the review, and a big thanks to
the guys at Amiga On The Lake for providing the X5000 machine
for Jeremy to use for the article.
Check it out here: AmigaONE X5000 review on Ars Technica
May 9th, 2017:
The Xena Research Project Blog - A new series
The first article in my new Blog series on developing for the Xena and Xorro
has just been published on the Amiga On The Lake website (see the link below).
This series will chronicle my research and development into the XMOS programmable
multi-core microcontroller "The Xena Chip", that is present on the AmigaONE X1000
and X5000 machines. I will be discussing what this new hardware is and how to
develop for it.
The results of this effort will go into integrating visual programming of
Xena chip into AVD, which all owners of the commerical AVD suite will
have included for free.
Check it out here: Xena Research Project
May 1st, 2017:
New Amiga 1200 cases arrive today!
I just wanted to share the news that all four of my brand new A1200 Cases arrived in the mail today!
Here are some quick pictures of the cases I ordered: Original White, Black, Transparent, and Orange.
New A1200 Case in White
New A1200 Case in Black
New A1200 Case in Transparent
New A1200 Case in Orange
This will make great project cases. Next step, new keyboard keycaps to match. :-)
March 26th, 2017:
FREEWARE version of SDK Browser now bundled with X5000 machines from Amiga On The Lake!
I am happy to announce that we have reached an agreement with
the great new Amiga retail store for the US and Canada
Amiga On The Lake to have the SDK Browser [FREEWARE Edition]
pre-installed on all AmigaONE X5000 machines that they ship!
The freeware edition of the SDK Browser is also now available directly
from the Amiga On The Lake store as well.
Check them out here:
AmigaONE X5000 Bundle (Including the SDK Browser)
SDK Browser software on Amiga On The Lake
Also don't forget to check out (and SUBSCRIBE) to Amiga On The Lake's YouTube channel as well.
The latest videos can be found on YouTube here: Amiga On The Lake Videos
March 19th, 2017:
SDK Browser v2.1 reviewed in March/April issue of Amiga Future.
I got my issue of Amiga Future 125 (March/April 2017) a few days ago
and was happy to see the review of the SDK Browser v2.1.2.0 in print!
Thanks to all the guys at Amiga Future for continuing to put out this
great magazine and for printing both English and German versions.
Also special thanks to Michael Christoph and Manuel Zehr for taking the
time to review release 2 of the SDK Browser.
Get your copy here: Amiga Future
Feb 19th, 2017:
Maintenance release of the SDK Browser v2.1.3.0 available now.
Fixed a bug which was preventing the SDK Browser from being
launched from the CLI, if the SDK Browser binary was
not in the same directory it was being launched from.
Bug reported by: James Jacobs (Amigan Software).
The SDK paths for the MUI development files (SDK:MUI/...)
have now been updated in this version to match their new
location in AmigaOS SDK (53.31). All paths can still be set
or overridden using their respective Tool Types.
Visit the SDK Browser About page for more details.
- Download the FREEWARE version of the SDK Browser v2.1.3.0 Here:
SDK Browser v2.1.3.0 [Special FREEWARE Edition]
- Registered owners of the SDK Browser, please download the updated version
via your personalized download links.
- AVD Owners / Beta Testers can find the latest SDK Browser for AVD [BETA]
in the Members Only area as normal: Members Only Area
Feb 4th, 2017:
Amiga On The Lake adds BITbyBIT Software Group to AOTL Donations
US based Amiga Retailer "Amiga On The Lake" is breaking new ground in supporting the
Amiga developer community with their AOTL Donations plan.
Amiga On The Lake is generously matching all donations they gather by 20%,
and sending 100% of those funds directly to a small (but growing) group of Amiga developers.
Equally generously, they have now added BITbyBIT Software Group to the list
of supported developers in Group 1 to help further the development of the FreeAVD project
and its components: The SDK Browser [FREEWARE Edition], the AVD Template, and of course the FreeAVD Suite itself.
Personally, I am thrilled to have a new Amiga retail store back in the United States again!
Thanks Guys!
Check out more here: AOTL Donations
Also, see their YouTube introduction video here: AOTL Introduction Video
Jan 24th, 2017:
SDK Browser [FREEWARE Edition] now available on the AMIStore
![SDK Browser [FREEWARE Edition] available on the AMIStore](/images/sdkbrowser_on_amistore.jpg) |
The FREEWARE edition of the SDK Browser is now able to be downloaded directly via the AMIStore application on your AmigaOS4 machine.
The commercial version will also be available via the AMIStore as soon as possible.
Jan 6th, 2017:
BlitterWolf published a Interview with yours truly on their recently returned Blog site. You can check it out here: Interview with Jamie Krueger |
I am currently working out the details of publishing the SDK Browser on the AMIStore. If you run the AMIStore application on your OS4 machine, you may see this icon for the SDK Browser already up there. |
Here a quick recap of 2016 events:
A-EON hires BITbyBIT Software Group LLC to write some new software for AmigaOS4(PPC) and AmigaOS3(68K) |
- The first new update to the SDK Browser released in ten years.
- Development resumes on the AVD/FreeAVD project after a few years of working on non-Amiga projects.
- Check out the Archive NEWS: for [2016] for more details.
Best Regards,
Jamie Krueger
Archive NEWS: